Charlie Chaplin was so popular during the 1920s and 1930s, he received over 73,00 letters in just 2 days during a visit to London.

President John Tyler had fifteen children.

The record for the world's worst drivers is a toss-up between two candidates:

First, a 75-year-old man who received 10 traffic tickets, drove on the wrong side of the road four times, committed four hit-and-run offenses, an caused six accidents, all within 20 minutes on October 15, 1966. Second, a 62-year-old woman who failed her driving test 40 times before passing it in August, 1970 (by that time, she had spent over $700 in lessons, and could no longer afford to buy a car).

The warmest temperature ever recorded on Antarctica was 3 degrees F.

Until the 1960's men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland.

More turkeys are raised in California than in any other state in the United States.

Boredom can lead to madness in parrots.

When caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. Many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their own feathers. The birds need constant interaction, affection, and mental stimulation; some bird authorities have determined that some parrot breeds have the mental abilities of a 5-year-old human child. Should a neglected parrot go mad, there is little that can be done to restore it to normalcy. In England, there are "mental institutions" for such unfortunate creatures.

Worms can have up to ten hearts.

Pound for Pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars!

Sales of Rolaids, Alka-Seltzer, and Tums jump 20% in December

The average iceberg weighs 20,000,000 tons!

The electric chair was invented by a dentist!

The longest cave in the world is the 'Mammoth Cave System' in the USA at 560,000 mtrs deep!

On average, a person will spend about five years eating during his or her lifetime.

John F. Kennedy was buried without his brain after it was lost during the autopsy!

In ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined!

There are about 1 billion seconds in 32 years!

Houdini was the first man to fly a plane solo in Australia.

Fifteen people are known to have been crushed to death tilting vending machines towards them in the hope of a free can of soda.

You're getting ripped off 600 times whenever you send a text message!

According to the Consumers Union policy analyst Joel Kelsey, six hundred SMS need less data than one minute of voice call. This means a text message will cost only three-tenths of a cent to the carriers, but of course, you are getting charged 600 times more per message!

Aboriginals from Australia get more frequently blond hair than you think!

Especially in the west-central parts of the continent, have a high frequency of natural blond-to-brown hair, with as many as 90–100% of children having blond hair in some areas.

A pound of potato chips costs 200 times more than a pound of potatoes!

And guess what? When you buy popcorn at the movie theater, you're paying 1.275% its real price!

Wheel of Fortune star Vanna White holds the record for clapping approximately 140,000 times.

She made it to the Guinness Book of Records as The Television's Most Frequent Clapper. She had an average of 720 claps per episode anr around 280.000 per season!

A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first passengers in a hot air balloon

They stayed 15 minutes in the air before the balloon crashed. Ths happened on the 19th September 1783 and the experiment was rehearsed by Pilatre De Rozier!

On October 15, 1794, the first silver dollar coins were released to be circulated to the public

The first silver dollars, precisely 1,758 of them, were coined on October 15, 1794 and were immediately delivered to Mint Director David Rittenhouse for distribution to dignitaries as souvenirs.

The stomach of an adult can hold up to three liters of food!

It normally expands to hold about one litre of food, but can hold as much as two to three litres. The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30 ml.

A crocodile can run up to a speed of 11 miles per hour

Some species can even gallop! Like the Cuban crocodiles, New Guinea crocodiles, African dwarf crocodiles, and even small Nile crocodiles!

A regulation baseball has exactly 108 double stitches

Under the current rules, a major league baseball weighs between 5 and 51⁄4 ounces (142 and 149 g), and is 9 to 91⁄4 inches (229–235 mm) in circumference (27⁄8–3 in or 73–76 mm in diameter)

The myth that polar bears are left-handed has been disproved!

Some research has been made about injuries in the polar bears limbs. It seems this white friend of us has more frequently injured his right limb, suggesting he's right-handed.

On 2013, the largest shopping mall in the world is the New South China Mall located in Dongguan, in China

This huge Mall is 892 Km2, (9,600,000 sq ft) It has enough space for 2.350 storesm but funny enough, on 2013, 99% of them are still vacant! Fancy getting one of them?

High heels was a feature exclusive for men, BC

During centuries, high heels were used by horsemen in the Middle East, according to Elizabeth Semmeljhack, Senior Curator from the Bata Sho Museum in Toronto.

She explains that the high heel's main purpose was so riders shoes could keep tight to the stirrups.

Crabs have very small hairs on their claws and other parts of their body to help detect water currents and vibrations

Over 20 million BluBlocker sunglasses have been sold since its debut in 1986. They now come in over 100 different styles

The colour blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones

The wheelbarrow was invented by the Chinese.

In August 1999, Lori Lynn Lomeli set a record by spinning 82 Hula Hoops at the same time for three full revolutions

The Nobel Peace prize was first awarded in 1901 to Jean Henry Dunant, who was the founder of the Swiss Red Cross

Carbon monoxide can kill a person in less than 15 minutes

Chelsea played in the Artic Circle, in heavy snow. The match was stopped twice so they could redraw the lines of the pitch could .

Armadillos breed in July, but get pregnant in November after delaying implantation. This allows the young to be born during the spring when there is an abundance of food

There are 50% more males that are left handed compared to females

In the world, the United States and France have the most pet dogs. Approximately one out of every three families has a pet dog. Switzerland and Germany are the lowest only having one dog per every ten families

The sloth moves so slowly that green algae grows in the grooves of their hair

In Ivrea, Italy, thousands of citizens celebrate the beginning of Lent by throwing oranges at one another